Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New Dolls- Pleasantly Prim

I wanted to show everyone what I have been up to lately. I have had so much fun making these wonderful little prim dolls. They seem to take on a life of their own.
Any comments are welcome. Some of these are listed on ebay now.

Ebay Auctions


Sam I Am said...

Hi Deb!!!
LOVE Your Blog!!!! :)
I'll add your blog link to my Blog..and we can be 'blogbuddies'!! heheheeh

Unknown said...

OOOOH neat !!! Your dollies look just like your paintings.That is very fun and original. Keep it up !!

Mica/ Garb-oodles


Cumberland Falls Arts by Debra and Mike Kersey said...

Thank you, always trying to keep it original.